Offered to ages 7-70+
Pre-requisite: Fox Trail Adventure

Are you looking to learn the language of the woods? Interested in opening a doorway to a newly expanded level of awareness? Do you want to walk more at one with your surroundings? Balance both science and art in your life?

Tracking is so much more than just marks upon the ground. This fun and adventurous week of tracking and nature awareness teaches you the concentric rings of the forest, bird language and ways to minimize your own concentric rings, new skill levels in journaling, drawing, sketching, the expanding use of resource field guides, track casting, track dynamics, animal gaits and patterns, animal track and sign identification, understanding trail systems, gait patterns, scat analysis, proper plaster casting of tracks, an introduction to track aging and the philosophy of nature and awareness. Our curriculum is tailored to the age of each learning group so adults and parents are in separate learning groups from the youth and teens, some evening activities and all meals are shared together.

Tuition: $675 per week
$985 for 2 people (child with parent or guardian)
$500 for each additional family member